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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Religion, Poverty, and Wealth Essay - 1190 Words
Religion, Poverty, and Wealth Christians believe strongly in world equality, as they feel that they have a responsibility to care for the poor and needy. These responsibilities are based upon the five key Christian ideas 1. Stewardship Genesis (1: 28 – 31) In this story God creates Adam and Eve. He builds a beautiful house and a beautiful garden with trees laden with ripe and delicious fruit for them to live in. ‘Pick the fruit and eat it freely,’ God told them, ‘but do not eat the fruit from the tree in the middle as it is evil, and if eaten you will die.’ One day a cunning snake persuaded Eve to eat a piece of fruit from the forbidden tree. After much persuasion Eve reluctantly took†¦show more content†¦The Lord Elijah was enraged and cursed the King’s family for eternity. The moral of this story is to not use your power to demand personal and sentimental belongings from others. But ‘Bob Geldof’ has twisted this parable by using his power to help poverty stricken people (Make Poverty History fund). 3. Human life is sacred Genesis (1: 26 – 27) ‘All men and women are created equal. In Genesis we are told that every individual is special because we are all made in the image of God. Rich or poor we are all of equal importance and every life is sacred.’ This teaching is emphasising Christians to treat everyone equally disregarding their creed, colour, culture or finical purposes. 4. The Golden rule Luke (10: 25 – 37) The Good Samaritan There was once a Jew who was travelling along a long and dangerous road. All of a sudden a group of robbers beat him and stole his belongings, they left him stripped and half-dead by the roadside. A priest walked past and saw the body, but quickly moved on, afterwards a Levite walked past and did the same thing. Then a Samaritan walked past, no Jew had ever been nice to him, but he still helped the injured man by wrapping his wounds in bandages. He carefully lifted him onto his donkey and took him to the nearest inn, ordering the inn keeper to look after and treat the injuredShow MoreRelatedJesus And Gandhi On Poverty Essay1656 Words  | 7 PagesJesus and Mahatma Gandhi on Poverty Introduction: Poverty a worldwide problem that affects everybody who deals with the situation. People living in poverty are at the lowest of the lowest in the social, economic and political class. Another word for poverty is the slums. In today’s world there is an estimate of three-billion people that live in poverty. The average poverty person live off of just $2.50 a day. One third of the people that live in poverty are children. 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