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Friday, December 27, 2019
How to Use Formal and Informal Italian Subject Pronouns
While in English we might differ in word choice during informal and formal situations, we don’t change the forms being used. However, Romance languages have separate forms of addressing others in formal versus informal situations. As if learning a new language wasn’t difficult enough! Learning how to use the formal and informal subject pronouns in Italian is very important. So-called social graces are key to Italian culture, and what seems like a language nuisance can determine the success of a social interaction, especially with the elderly and someone to whom you should show respect. How Many Ways You Can Say You? There are four ways of saying you in Italian: tu, voi, lei, and loro. Tu (for one person) and voi (for two or more people) are the familiar/informal forms. The Informal While it’s taught that tu is used only with family members, children, and close friends, it can also be used with people around your age. For example, if youre around 30 and go to a bar to get a cappuccino, you can use the â€Å"tu†form with the barista who seems around your age, too. It’s likely that she’ll give you the â€Å"tu†form first anyway: Cosa prendi? – What are you having?Che cosa voui? – What do you want?Di dove sei? – Where are you from? If youre talking to a person that is younger than you tu is always the best choice. Voi is the plural form of the informal way of addressing people. Voi works for formal and informal scenarios and its the plural you: Di dove siete? – Where are you all from?Voi sapete che... – You all know that... The Formal In more formal situations like at a bank, the doctors office, a work meeting, or talking to an elder, the lei form is always best. Use lei (for one person, male or female) and its plural voi in more formal situations to address strangers, acquaintances, older people, or people in authority: Lei à ¨ di dove? – Where are you from?Da dove viene lei? – Where do you come from?Voi siete degli studenti. – You are students. You’ll often see Lei capitalized to distinguish it from lei (she) when there might be room for confusion. TIP: If you’re really not sure and you want to avoid choosing between â€Å"lei†or â€Å"tu†entirely, you can always use the generic altrettanto to mean likewise in place of anche a lei/ anche a te. Also, unless you’re talking to royalty, you don’t have to use the formal loro like most textbooks teach. It Can Be Confusing Finally, it’s tough to figure out when you should use the tu or when you should use the lei form, so if you get it wrong at first, don’t worry. Italians know that you’re learning a new language and that it can be difficult, so do your best. When In Doubt, Ask You can always ask when you are unsure about how to address a person. If, for example, you feel youre close in age or there is no relationship that might call for a respectful lei, go ahead and ask: Possiamo darci del tu? – May we switch to the tu form? In response, someone can say: Sà ¬, certo. –Yes, certainly. If you want to tell someone to use the tu with you, you can say: Dammi del tu. – Use the the tu form with me.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Religion, Poverty, and Wealth Essay - 1190 Words
Religion, Poverty, and Wealth Christians believe strongly in world equality, as they feel that they have a responsibility to care for the poor and needy. These responsibilities are based upon the five key Christian ideas 1. Stewardship Genesis (1: 28 – 31) In this story God creates Adam and Eve. He builds a beautiful house and a beautiful garden with trees laden with ripe and delicious fruit for them to live in. ‘Pick the fruit and eat it freely,’ God told them, ‘but do not eat the fruit from the tree in the middle as it is evil, and if eaten you will die.’ One day a cunning snake persuaded Eve to eat a piece of fruit from the forbidden tree. After much persuasion Eve reluctantly took†¦show more content†¦The Lord Elijah was enraged and cursed the King’s family for eternity. The moral of this story is to not use your power to demand personal and sentimental belongings from others. But ‘Bob Geldof’ has twisted this parable by using his power to help poverty stricken people (Make Poverty History fund). 3. Human life is sacred Genesis (1: 26 – 27) ‘All men and women are created equal. In Genesis we are told that every individual is special because we are all made in the image of God. Rich or poor we are all of equal importance and every life is sacred.’ This teaching is emphasising Christians to treat everyone equally disregarding their creed, colour, culture or finical purposes. 4. The Golden rule Luke (10: 25 – 37) The Good Samaritan There was once a Jew who was travelling along a long and dangerous road. All of a sudden a group of robbers beat him and stole his belongings, they left him stripped and half-dead by the roadside. A priest walked past and saw the body, but quickly moved on, afterwards a Levite walked past and did the same thing. Then a Samaritan walked past, no Jew had ever been nice to him, but he still helped the injured man by wrapping his wounds in bandages. He carefully lifted him onto his donkey and took him to the nearest inn, ordering the inn keeper to look after and treat the injuredShow MoreRelatedJesus And Gandhi On Poverty Essay1656 Words  | 7 PagesJesus and Mahatma Gandhi on Poverty Introduction: Poverty a worldwide problem that affects everybody who deals with the situation. People living in poverty are at the lowest of the lowest in the social, economic and political class. Another word for poverty is the slums. In today’s world there is an estimate of three-billion people that live in poverty. The average poverty person live off of just $2.50 a day. One third of the people that live in poverty are children. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Team Based Activities Educational Programs â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Team Based Activities Educational Programs? Answer: Introducation Keeping virtual team on the same page poses a great challenge for managers. With communication technologies improving, people have managed to exchange information and ideas with colleagues in a different location. The team-based work attracts an extraordinary expectation regarding the assignment task sharing, team meeting structure and frequency, and the individual preparation time. Based on the case study, it is evident that communication is presenting a significant challenge for the virtual team. The technology was seen as the solution to this problem. Nonetheless, the Director expressed reservations for this new technology. Given the challenges associated with this virtual team, the memo analyzes the team-based activities in educational programs. The issue of compatibility of computing platform is a challenge that requires swiftly response. Importantly, the virtual teams have found it impossible to communicate effectively because the team members have diverse cultures and working environments (Brown 2016). The situation has been made worse when each team member uses favorite software tool to exchange data, interact, and track projects. For instance, some team members prefer the Windows-based computers and Apple. These tools use different software applications thus making difficult to interact and complete group assignments. Additionally, communication and sharing of information is an important factor in determining the success of a virtual team. This challenge is agreeable by all stakeholders. The holding of synchronous meetings is a problem because it affects the operations and communication between the team members (Stasi 2013). For instance, the director can organize in-person meetings through the Iveys ING Center. Similarly, the director can opt for face-to-face meetings with individuals who are available physically. However, such meetings would be disadvantageous to the individuals beyond the physical reach (Zofi 2011). It is possible for the collated teams to communicate frequently compared to virtual teams. Studies have indicated that without face-to-face communication, building trust can prove difficult as evident in the case study (Zakaria, Amelinckx Wilemon 2004). The concern of the director is genuine regarding the use of virtual tools like Skype or WebEx. Since each team member has a favori te tool, it is nearly impossible to facilitate the mix. The issues of determining the mechanics of sharing a synchronous document are incomprehensible. The director has reiterated the availability of Google Drive or Dropbox to help in storing documents. Although these mechanics are essential in virtual teams, each team member has a preferred tool while others are inexperienced in using them. This challenge can never be handled properly without leadership. The director must discuss with the team members to build consensus on the best tool to facilitate the information and document storage and sharing. Future Actions The technology tools summarized in Exhibit 3 focuses on the popular synchronous communication tools including Skype, WebEx, GoToMeeting, and AnyMeeting while in Exhibit 4, the popular asynchronous storage solutions are summarized including Google Drive, Microsoft Skydrive, Amazon Cloud Drive, and Dropbox. The services focused on the exhibit 3 include audio video, file sharing, screen sharing, polls, and record meeting (Neufeld Santora 2013). The tool with the most acceptable services seems to be AnyMeeting. On the other hand, Exhibit 4 focuses on popular asynchronous storage solutions based on the free space, encrypted storage, telephone support, platforms, and maximum per-file size. Without a doubt, Google Drive is the most acceptable storage solution because services can accommodate the needs of team members. The team can use asynchronous storage tools for a team writing exercise installing relevant software or drive. For instance, the team can use the platforms provided by the storage solution to complete a writing team exercises. Interestingly, the storage capacity of the drive is also important. The drive with the largest space capacity like Google Drive (15 GB) can accommodate the needs of the team. Apart from its compatibility with various platforms, it can allow the team to write the exercise without interfering with the computer. Upon writing on the platform, the team can use the synchronous communication tool to share the files and screen share. Based on exhibit 3, the popular synchronous communication tool that should be recommended for the team members should be AnyMeeting. This is because; the technology can accommodate the needs and expectations of all the managers. For instance, it allows for 6-way video and free (ad-supported) at a premium $18/month. The team members can access the audio and video alongside undertake file-sharing services (Martinic, Fertajl Kalpic 2012). Since the team members are available at different times physically, AnyMeeting offers them an opportunity to express their views, ask questions through Whiteboard, and screen sharing programs (Mattus 2010). It would be prudent for the team members to consider this platform because it also allows them to record meetings thus follow-up. Similarly, the team members should be advised to use the popular asynchronous storage solutions to avoid losing important discussions. Given the volume of work and course contents, the students or team members should use Google Drive. This storage solution has an acceptable free space of about 15 GB. Indisputably, the capacity of Google Drive is incomparable to other asynchronous storage solutions. Additionally, Google Drive has an acceptable maximum per-file size of 10 GB and operates in different platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and BlackBerry. Therefore, Google Drive offers the team the best opportunity to store files and it can accommodate most of the members due to the diverse platform. The coordination of the activities is also important in teamwork. Since the team members are apart, it is important for a team leader to use the best project management services to coordinate their operations. In fact, the leader should also consider the cost and acceptability of the service (Zakaria et al. 2004). Based on the project management services provided in Exhibit 5, Basecamp is the best platform to facilitate the project coordination. The team members can also collaborate efficiently using this service (Martinic, Fertajl Kalpic 2012). Apart from vendor support, Basecamp is compatible with nearly all the mobile platforms including iOS, Window, Android, and BlackBerry. Trust is an important factor in a global virtual team because members transcend culture, space, and time. The team members should use the best communication behaviors that would embrace trust (Sarker, Ahuja, Sarker and Kirkeby 2011). This is because; the trust evident in the virtual is temporal and fragile. Trust defines the relationship in the team based on interaction, additive, and mediation. The team members should use social networking approach to influence their performance. Since virtual teams, never work face-to-face, building trust would be difficult. However, through frequent sharing of information, interaction, and developing shared culture will build the trust. Therefore, the team must continue to invest in building communication trust to improve performance. Conclusion Virtual teams have become common in the modern educational programs. It has, however, exposes the team leaders and institution into challenges because of different tools involved. With the global fiber-optic networks, long-distance technologies have made the communication easier and challenging. The global platform has enhanced collaboration, information sharing, knowledge sharing, and meetings. The global virtual teams can improve their functionality through platforms. Based on the case study, the director has the opportunity to take the lead to help in defining the ground rules. This will reduce the communication difficulties experienced. For instance, synchronize or standardize technology will facilitate communication and information sharing among the team members. The standardized platform will enhance learning and coordination of activities. Although face-to-face meetings are preferable but given the circumstances at hand, it is prudent for the director to encourage digital inte ractions and meeting. References Brown, G 2016, July 1, The challenges of virtual teams in project management, The EXELOS Blog. Available at: https://www.axelos.com/news/blogs/july-2016/challenges-of-virtual-teams-in-project-management Lilian, SC 2014, January 24, Virtual teams: opportunities and challenges for e-leaders, Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, vol. 110, pp. 1251-1261. Martinic, A, Fertalj, K Kalpic, D 2012, September 20, Integrated framework for virtual team management. IEEE, Cavtat, Croatia. Mattus, TJ 2010, The challenges of managing virtual project teams. Paper presented at PMI Global Congress 2010EMEA, Milan, Italy. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Neufeld, D Santora, J 2013, August 13, Virtual teams at Ivey, Harvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/product/virtual-teams-at-ivey/W13343-PDF-ENG Nydegger, R Nydegger, L 2010, Challenges in Managing Virtual Teams, Journal of Business Economics Research, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 69-82. Sarker, S, Ahuja, M, Sarker, S Kirkeby, S 2011, The Role of Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams: A Social Network Perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 28, no. 1, pp.273-310 Stasi, CE 2013, Effective communications in virtual team, OUBS Alumni Careers Network Industry Insights. Available at https://www.open.ac.uk/business-school/sites/www.open.ac.uk.business-school/files/files/Virtual%20Teams%20-%20Carlo_S.pdf Zakaria, N, Amelinckx, A Wilemon, D 2004, Working together apart? building a knowledge-sharing culture for global virtual teams, Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 13, iss. 1, pp. 15-29. Zofi, Y 2011, A managers guide to virtual teams, 1st edn. AMACOM, New York, NY.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Prison Models Essay Sample free essay sample
There are three theoretical accounts of prisons that have been outstanding in American since the early 1940’s: custodial. rehabilitative. and reintegration. Each theoretical account is designed otherwise based on its overruling end. and this affects the physical design. policies. and plans that are implemented within each of the theoretical accounts. Custodial ModelArchaic Purpose: Control. focal point is on keeping security and order. Goal: Punishment. this is the best manner to supply disincentive against future offense. Focus: Prisoners must be punished for their errors and prison life must be made so unpleasant so that wrongdoers will waver to perpetrate any new offenses upon release. Theory: Classical. belief that humans operate under free will and an wrongdoer makes a pick to prosecute in condemnable behaviour believing benefits outweigh the costs. Design: Radial. this allows for captives to hold less contact with each other and allows for guards to supervise more captives at one clip. We will write a custom essay sample on Prison Models Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Management Style: Military manner attack is used to command captives. Focus is on subject and order with a clear and steadfast hierarchy of who is in charge. The determination procedure is left to the disposal and the inmates are expected to be obedient and follow all the regulations without oppugning. Administrative Style: Control theoretical account. authorization is the custodies of the prison disposal. Prison decision makers are inflexible and supply strict control over inmates’ lives. Communication is formal and professional and is restricted to official channels and must follow a formal concatenation of bid. Advantages: Good control. gives public feeling of safety and requital. tight security against flights. Disadvantages: Inhumane intervention of captives. creates high tensenesss and violent atmosphere. enhances likeliness of public violences. Rehabilitative ModelModern Purpose: Rehabilitate Goal: Treatment Focus: Determining what caused the captive to perpetrate the offense so that they can be treated and rehabilitated. If an wrongdoer receives the proper medical and psychological attention they will be â€Å"cured†of their criminalism. Theory: Positivism. belief that offense is caused or determined by psychological factors or biological lacks and these can be diagnosed and treated by scientific agencies ; thought that an wrongdoers actions are out of their control. Design: Courtyard. this allows captives to hold every bit much â€Å"fresh air†as possible which is known to hold many medical and psychological benefits. Management Manner: Hospital. prison staff has more professional preparation. and captives are treated as patients. Use benevolent authorization to constructively alter inmates from violent antisocial felons to good citizens. There is a clear and orderly concatenation of bid. but inmates are encourages to be involved in their attention. Inmates are non involved in any determination devising procedures. and have no signifiers of self-governing. Administrative Manner: Consensual theoretical account. less restrictive correctional environment. Communication is both formal and informal. Situations covering with inmates demands are formal while twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours interactions with inmates are less formal. Open communicating is encouraged. The inmates are allowed to oppugn their intervention options but the prison staff and disposal has the authorization to do all of the determinations. Advantages: Lower recidivism rates. more humane. captives can acquire aid may non hold otherwise been able to acquire. Disadvantages: More expensive. easier for flights. intervention can be uneffective. Reintegration ModelProgressive Purpose: Reintegrate Goal: Education Focus: Prisoners should be given every opportunity to larn duty and good citizenship by offering a assortment of instruction plans and helping with re-entry into society such as happening lodging and occupations. Theory: Social disorganisation. a deficiency of instruction and resources causes community societal controls have broken down doing a condemnable civilization to emerge. By supplying an instruction and apportioning the proper resources to inmates to re-enter these communities. you are battling the forces that keep communities disorganized. Wrongdoers will larn new ways and have better resources and will non look to reappear into the condemnable civilization they came from. Design: Campus. this allows for a more college-like ambiance so inmates can concentrate on instruction. larning new accomplishments. and how to accommodate back into society. Management Manner: Academic. prison staff and disposal are at that place to learn and steer inmates on the accomplishments and resources needed to reintegrate into society. It is up to the inmate to take advantage of services and plans offered. Inmates are allowed to take an active function in the determination devising procedure. and are encouraged to inquiry procedures and processs. Inmates openly and freely show their sentiments. Administrative Manner: Responsibility Model. prison disposal maintains order by puting restrictions but inmates are allowed to self-govern within the restricted environment. Communication is informal and inmates are allowed initiate conversations which encourages a more societal scene Advantages: Inexpensive. Fosters inmate self-respect. Teachs duty. Disadvantages: System can be abused easy. small control. inability to mensurate effectivity. Mentions Clark. D. N. ( 2004. 08 09 ) . Reintegration or recidivism of released individuals. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //fcwpp. Friend. org/reintegration A ; recidivism paper. pdf Gaines. L. K. . A ; Miller. R. L. ( 2013 ) . Condemnable justness in action. ( 7th ed. ) . Belmont. Calcium: Wadsworth Cengage Learning Salinas. G. L. ( 2009 ) . A preliminary analysis: Prison theoretical accounts and prison direction theoretical accounts and the Texas prison system. ( Unpublished master’s thesis. Texas State University ) Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //digital. library. txstate. edu/bitstream/handle/10877/3639/fulltext. pdf
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