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Significance of Capital Market for Economic Development
Criticalness of Capital Market for Economic Development An Explotary Study On The Significance of Capital Market for Economic Development...
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Significance of Capital Market for Economic Development
Criticalness of Capital Market for Economic Development An Explotary Study On The Significance of Capital Market for Economic Development and Its Further Growth Potential In Context of Bangladesh Unique This examination paper explores whether the job of capital market is huge for the financial improvement of Bangladesh. Writing proposes that very much created financial exchange can give an additional impulse to monetary action. Comparable ends were likewise drawn from the top to bottom meetings. This paper additionally uncovers a very much examined situation of the capital market featuring its difficulties, current shortcoming, ongoing enhancements and its imminent indications of advancement through which we can anticipate whether the capital market has further development potential or not. Therefore the current examination can likewise contribute in giving fundamental data that can likewise be utilized for additional exploration. Contractions ADB-Asian Development Bank CDBL-Central Depository of Bangladesh Limited CDS-Central Depository System CSE-Chittagong Stock Exchange DGEN-DSE general list DSE-Dhaka Stock Exchange Gross domestic product GDP Initial public offering first sale of stock SEC-Security and Exchange Commission 1.0 Introduction The monetary market adds to the financial development and advancement by giving the required account to arrangement of merchandise and enterprises. The monetary market comprises of two division-currency market and capital market. The currency showcase is fundamentally qualified for flexibly money on momentary premise to people, organizations, undertakings, government and their offices. The capital market, then again, gives money on medium to long haul premise to corporate bodies, government and their organizations (Al-Faki, 2006). Capital Market assumes a critical job in any cutting edge economy as they permit investors’ reserve to stream to the most encouraging chances, i.e., the assets are assembled and diverted proficiently from savers to the clients of assets (Al-Faki, 2006; DSE, 2006; Hubbard and Thornton, 2006; Ahmed, 1997). In Bangladesh money related intermediation depends for the most part on the financial segment which further brought about absence of value financing (Salahuddin Ahmed, 2007; Islam and Hassan 2002). Besides out of 5 million urban-based white collar class individuals just 400,000 are taking an interest in the protections showcase and among them about hundred thousand are dynamic financial specialists. An enormous segment is as yet uninformed of the nature and advantages of the capital market (Abu Ahmed, 2006; DSE Review, 2006; Islam and Hassan, 2002). Growing progressively complete and more profound capital market would upgrade a nations development potential and advancement (Andritzky, 2007). The powers of globalization, innovation, new types of rivalry have observably changed capital market around the world (Hassan, 2004). The main guide Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed expressed that â€Å"Only a dynamic and all around managed capital market can get supportable monetary advancement the nation through creation the genuine part equipped for meeting the difficulties of the serious worldwide financial realities†( DSE Monthly Review, June 2007). Despite late enhancements, Bangladesh’s capital market stays immature as its size is still little regarding market top (ADB, 2006; Salahuddin Ahmed, 2007; Islam and Hassan 2002). The market top speaks to simply above 9% of the GDP (Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed recovered from DSE Review). As Bangladesh capital market is still very little contrasted with other local market and to the size of its economy (CSE, 2006) regardless of its reality for quite a while, this paper applies a structure for breaking down the criticalness of capital market for financial development and advancement of Bangladesh, distinguishing its development possibilities through investigation. 2.0 Problem Statement Bangladesh’s capital market is as yet immature, notwithstanding ongoing enhancements. The size of the country’s capital market is very little essentially because of the extreme reliance of driving corporate substances on the banks for financing. Besides the general straightforwardness of market exchange is additionally low contrasted with universal principles and by and large there has been moderate improvement of the hidden market foundation. The legislature is putting forth attempt to build up the dependability and proficiency of stock trades as venture showcase. Contrasted with the other neighboring nations the quantities of members are a lot littler in Bangladesh as financial specialist need certainty. There is a gracefully side compels in the capital market as quality offers are inadequate. For this explanation this examination is done to investigate the significance of capital market in the economy and what are the planned indication of improvement of the securities exchange. 3.0 Purpose of the Study The motivation behind the investigation is to investigate an all around checked situation of Bangladesh capital market, its criticalness and its possibilities. Albeit some examination has been led identifying with this subject yet there is minimal exact proof about how basic financial exchange is to monetary advancement of a nation. A sound capital market prompts better monetary base and impact its future development thus it can help acknowledge Bangladesh’s development potential. The capital market of Bangladesh is on the verge to assume its due job as a vehicle for financing venture and in this way making an outstanding commitment to monetary development, business creation and neediness lightening. The capital market assumes a significant job in stimulating the pace of financial turn of events however the current condition of the capital market is immature and not in a situation to guarantee monetary advancement of the nation. Henceforth this examination will attempt to feature the importance of capital market for the country and investigate what are the likely indications of progress. 4.0 Research Timeline 2007 SeptemberWriting Research Proposal 2007 SeptemberDeveloping Literature Review 2007 OctoberCollecting Data 2007 October-NovemberData Analysis and Interpretation of the Findings 2007 NovemberPreparing Draft and Finalizing the Research Paper 2007 DecemberSubmission of Research Paper 5.0 Limitations of the examination During leading the examination I went over specific constraints and among them the principal one is time compel. In spite of the fact that I got the chance to work in an association that is capital market based however it was hard to track down extra time that could be utilized for the report. Besides the talked with individual couldn't give all vital data because of absence of time. The exploration course of events additionally uncovers that time compel was really an obstruction as there was bounty to discover about this examination theme. As the examination is led just because, I didn't get a lot of help from past exploration paper and further exploration is recommended. An enormous segment of the report depends on auxiliary information gathered through sites thus the profundity of dependability fluctuates as by the idea of site. 6.0 Review of the Literature 6.1 Financial Intermediation As indicated by Joseph Yam (2004) money related intermediation is diverting reserve funds into ventures. Aziz and Duenwald (2002) alluded that budgetary intermediation influences development through the accompanying channels †(I) it can build the minimal profitability of capital by gathering data to assess elective venture ventures and by chance sharing (ii) it can raise the extent of reserve funds directed to speculation through monetary turn of events. As indicated by Conning and Kevane (2002) â€Å"intermediation infers an intermediary†. Gorton and Winton (2002) included that â€Å"it is the root organization in the sparing venture process†. They alluded that monetary delegates are firms that acquire from the individuals who have abundance cash, that is, the savers and loan the cash to organizations that need assets for speculation. 6.2 Performance Indicators As per R. N. Agarwal (2000) the most ordinarily utilized standard to quantify the size of a country’s securities exchange is advertise capitalization proportion, that is, the proportion of market estimation of stocks which are as of now recorded on a bourse to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). A little proportion of capitalization to GDP uncovers the little size of a financial exchange. On the other hand, the size can be estimated by the quantity of recorded organizations on a securities exchange. The tallness of development of an economy’s money related framework is fundamental for monetary turn of events. Bekeart et al., (2007), Hubard and Thornton (2006), Rosul (2002) all researched the essentialness and connection of securities exchange advancement with the monetary development and their decision recommends that capital market improvement is decidedly corresponded with long haul financial development and the capital market assumes a significant job in the monetary advancement of any nation. The size of the value capital market optimistically affects monetary development of the nation, that is, a lot higher market top and turnover impacts the economy (Institute for Advanced Studies, IHS, 2006). It is seen that the proportion of market top to GDP in neighboring nations like India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka is generally a lot higher, that is, over 60% of their GDP (DSE, Kh. Asadul Islam, 2007; Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed,2007). In Bangladesh the market top is little extent of the nations GDP (Islam Hassan, 2002) and this is because of critical reliance on the financial area (DSE Review, Fakhruddin Ahmed, June 2007). Market capitalization as a portion of GDP was around 2.5%-3.3% during 2001-2003 contrasted and 1.4-10.1% during 1993-1996 and 2-4% during 1997-2000. Anyway in the year 2004 market top arrived at 6.8% mirroring the ascent in the DSE list from 968 to 1,971 toward the finish of 2003 and 2004 separately (ADB, May 2005). The pattern of market top as level of GDP and other capital market pointers of DSE and CSE are appeared through the assistance of factual information spoke to in the dis
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Brazil Macroeconomics Essay
The nation of decision is Brazil for the accompanying reasons: it is a blasting economy, which furnishes some unmistakable difference with the stagnation and ever-referenced expression ‘double-plunge recession’ which currently ordinarily utilized in the West. Macroeconomics is worried about the investigation of total economy, which epitomizes all broadly applicable financial pointers. The regular markers are the joblessness rate, the pace of swelling, the GDP per capita, monetary development, the financial cycle, and the work power. Since 2003, Brazil’s economy has been developing consistently. It has been improving its macroeconomic steadiness notwithstanding a little emergency in 2008 which saw its development rate decay to 2.6%. In 2010 it developed by 7.6% in the midst of recharged certainty from remote speculators. Some portion of the explanation behind this is the high loan costs which make it appealing to remote financial specialists. Note likewise this was its most noteworthy development in 25 years, while individuals particularly given that numerous economies were battling simultaneously. Moreover, the proceeding with streams of speculation into the assembling division have given more prominent spine to the economy. Note that a normally refered to explanation behind the financial battle of the UK for instance is its everlasting exchanging deficiency. It doesn't trade enough, it doesn't fabricate enough. With normal assets, for example, tin, dirt, uranium, platinum, oil, cocoa, gold, wood, and hydroelectric influence (and considerably more), Brazil is commonly perceived as one of the normally most extravagant nations on Earth regarding amount and presumably the most extravagant as far as assortment of assets. The subject being treated here is definitely not a similar examination between Brazil, a developing economy and the declining economies of the West. Similar examination may be utilized quickly so as to additionally affirm the extraordinary exhibition of this economy since 2003. In the field of macroeconomics, it is basic to take a gander at things from a national and global stance and in this way the presentation of one economy isn't just comparative with its past exhibition yet additionally comparative with different economies on the planet. In the previous decade Brazil’s Government has joined financial strategy has been utilized on occasion to fight off over the top expansion and support utilization. The motivation behind why this has worked out is that over the long haul, the nation has reliably been making employments both in the assembling and the administrations parts, which as one with financial arrangement have helped keep a top on swelling in the previous ten years. This purpose of accomplishment will be broke down motel profundity given that this nation was recently known to have enormous inflationary issues before the most recent decade. http://www.bbc.co.uk http://www.indexmundi.com/brazil/economy_profile.html http://www.thomaswhite.com/investigate the-world/brazil.aspx
Friday, August 21, 2020
Temperature Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Temperature Effect - Essay Example Wond and Batt (2003) embraced the main motivation behind the analysis was to decide if temperature fundamentally influenced the amylase hydrolysis procedure of the fungial amylase protein. The second motivation behind the investigation was to decide if temperature essentially influenced the amylase hydrolysis procedure of the microscopic organisms amylase compound. Omemu et al. (2005) repeated the Amylase chemical is the significant fixing expected to catalyze the basic starch compound into its normal components. Amylase hydrolysis incorporates dissolvable maltose (sugar) methods (Acton, 2013). Further, Carlsen et al. (1998) watched the soy sauce â€generating Aspergillus_Oryzae Fungus creates the contagious amylase yield. The gathering individuals can get the amylase in one of numerous structures, powder structure. Nonetheless, the fluid structure can be utilized if the force structure isn't accessible. Supino (2012) clarified the Hydrolysis can be characterized as the impact of water on the compound bonds’ cleavage. For instance, hydrolysis is the separating of the starch compound into its sugar parts (particles). In particular, the analysis is compared to isolating one compound into its various parts with the utilization of water. Hydro implies water. In addition, the amylase hydrolysis process concentrated on four distinctive temperature conditions. The temperature levels are 0 degrees centigrade temperature, 39 degrees centigrade temperature level, 41 degrees centigrade temperature level, 54 degrees centigrade temperature level, 56 degrees centigrade temperature condition, 85 degrees centigrade temperature level.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay about The Ocean Environment - 2941 Words
Ocean Environment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The sea is the most obvious feature of the earths surface. Approximately seventy percent of this surface is covered by water, in one way or another. Beneath this water are the familiar sands of the beaches, bottoms of bays, and the inshore ocean. Farther offshore this water covers an amazing submarine topography of underwater canyons, trenches, mountains, and plains. Unlike the continents, which are physically separated from one another, the oceans are continuous and interconnected. Since the quot;world ocean is continuousquot;(M.J. Keen) it has similar characteristics throughout. In the early 1870s oceanographers collected seawater samples from all of the seas of the world at a variety†¦show more content†¦They all have crests, troughs, wave heights, lengths, and periods. Also, water particles that make up the waves all move in identical orbital patterns. The orbital pattern is up and forward in the crest and down and back in the trough. It is only when the wave becomes unstable that the orbital motion is destroyed. The water particles then begin to move at the same speed as the moving wave form. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Breaking waves release a tremendous amount of stored energy on a beach face. This energy moves the sand about and changes the configuration of the bottom. As the bottom configuration is changed by the waves, it changes the characteristics of incoming waves. This interaction between the waves and the bottom results in the beach face having an everlasting wave pattern. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Everything in the universe is composed of extremely small paritcles called atoms, which are often bonded together to form molecules. Molecules are formed as the result fo the transfer of electrons between atoms. The complete loss and gain of electrons results in the formation of ionic molecules, which have completely positive and negative vegions. Unequal sharing of electrons, on the other hand, characterizes the polar covalent molecules, which have only partially positive and negative regions. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Environment Of The Oceans1438 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"46,000 pieces of plastic trash float in every square mile of ocean†¦the whole ocean is now infected with plastic. It’s impossible to get it out†(Ellingwood). The public and the government continues to deny this statistic, as they claim it is too expensive to clean up the oceans. However such people take the ocean for granted. It is essential for them to realize that the ocean is an important part of our ecosystem, and therefore impacts all of humanity. Furthermore, not only do people harm themselvesRead MoreOcean Acidification And Its Effects On The Environment1429 Words  | 6 PagesOur Oceans are a vital bloodline carrying humans, water, and different types of animals and plants. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis Of The Book Wonderland, And Its Sequel
In analyzing Lewis Carroll’s works Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, studying the the illustrations is of as great importance as examining the text that they depict. From the first sentence of Wonderland, Carroll exhibits a concern for illustrations and their role regarding storytelling in writing, â€Å"‘what is the use of a book’, thought Alice, ‘without pictures,’†(Carroll 7). As Carroll seems to have intended, the words which comprise Wonderland and Looking-Glass are only a one facet in the reader’s interpretation of the two works. Equally important as the written text to the experience of Wonderland and Looking-Glass House is illustration, and by extension different artists’ interpretations of these fantastical worlds. Interpreting the Alice stories through illustration first was Carroll himself, further increasing the interest of the relation between image and text as well a s the question of the importance of pictures to their stories. Evidently Carroll intended the text of Alice’s adventures to be accompanied with images for readers, even initially putting in the time and effort himself to ensure their illustration, demonstrating the great concern he had for the relationship between the text of a story and its visual depiction. However, for the first official publication of Wonderland, Carroll enlisted artist John Tenniel to create entirely new illustrations for the story. These new illustrations by Tenniel have become iconicShow MoreRelatedThe Fantastic Author Of The World s Most Wonderful Children2290 Words  | 10 Pagesone day become what generations know as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Tyle). It was first put into print when young, Alice begged Carroll to write the story down so she could later reread the wonderful tale (Tyle). Once he had decided he would publish the story, illustrations were added by John Tenniel and Alice ’s Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1865 (Tyle). Due to its profound success, Carroll penned the less popular sequel known as Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found ThereRead More «Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland »7735 Words  | 31 PagesMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE IVAN FRANKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LVIV ENGLISH DEPARTMENT LEXICAL AND STYLISTIC DEVICES IN LEWIS CAROLL’S NOVEL  «ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND » COURSE PAPER PRESENTED BY Read MoreSummary : Oedipus Syndrome 1769 Words  | 8 Pagesfather) Step 1: Decide on the type of presentation You may choose ONE from the following for your presentation but make sure you address the key points provided in the notes. Powerpoint: 25-30 ILLUSTRATED slides Prezi diagram: 20-25 sections Video Analysis: You will videotape yourself discussing the key points of the novel. The presentation should be at 7-12 minutes long and can be submitted online as a media file or as a link to Youtube. Cut and paste text, audio or written is NOT allowed. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Greatest Presidents of the United States Abraham Lincoln
One of the great Presidents of the United States and a condemner of war, Abraham Lincoln, once said, â€Å"Military glory--that attractive rainbow, that rises in showers of blood--that serpents eye, that charms to destroy.†Similarly, E.E. Cummings denounces war in his poems, after first hand experiences of battle in World War I. Although American society glamorizes war and the honor of sending a loved one to war, Cummings argues through his depictions of actual life on the battlefield, that this glamorization is not patriotic. People who push their children and friends into battle are not aware of and have no desire to be aware of the traumatizing experiences that the soldiers, whom they so proudly support, are facing. As exemplified through a unique writing style and the false rhetoric used by â€Å"patriots†who support war, Cummings suggests that the influence from a soldier’s home-front that pushes him to war is ironically anti-patriotic. After witnessing an d experiencing war first hand during service in the ambulance corps and as a soldier in World War I, Cummings understood the crippling impact that war has on young men. For this reason, Cummings condemns war and its supporters, who do not understand the danger of warfare, but encourage their sons to join the forces. Ironically, these young men who are launched into duty, are, â€Å"sen[t] home to [their] mother[s] in a new nice pine box†(62), as a result of their service. The families that once pridefully bragged about theirShow MoreRelatedAbraham Lincoln : The Greatest President Of The United States1051 Words  | 5 Pages Abraham Lincoln, arguably said to be the greatest president of the United States, was simply a smooth-tongued politician with the ability to sway the masses and imbibe a sense of patriotism which would allow for the United States to go to war against itself, all while under the guise of equality and slavery; when in reality the war was about individual state rights, and the fact that the southern states were becoming too powerful to be controlled by the centralized federal government. Even fromRead MoreEssay on Abraham Lincoln - the Greatest President1069 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln There have been forty four U.S. presidents over the past two hundred and twenty years. What president has served the best for our country? None other than Abraham Lincoln. 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Abraham lincoln is in my opinionRead MorePresident Abraham Lincoln : Greatest President Of American History1516 Words  | 7 PagesOctober 2014 President Abraham Lincoln: Greatest President in American History President Lincoln said the following about the South in his Inaugural Address, In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you.... You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it.(Freidel and Sidey 2006) President Abraham Lincoln is look uponRead More Abraham Lincoln - President During the Civil War Essay741 Words  | 3 PagesAbraham Lincoln - President During the Civil War Abraham Lincoln was assuredly one of the greatest presidents in American history. This is demonstrated by his effective administration during the Civil War, the creation of policies that benefited everyone in the United States and the efforts that kept the United States from splintering during the Civil War and from its aftermath. Lincoln made excellent decisions in the Civil War. He guided his nation from being torn apartRead MoreEssay on Abraham Lincoln, A Great Leader in American History781 Words  | 4 Pagesthe United States of America, many great people have directed toward success. The American nation has been honored with many of the greatest people in history, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Madison. Abraham Lincoln is considered one of the most greatest president in US History. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12,1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky. He is known for his leadership and skills as president along with his pleasant personality. Abraham Lincoln was
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
History Of The Computer Industry In America America And The Computer I Essay Example For Students
History Of The Computer Industry In America America And The Computer I Essay ndustryOnly once in a lifetime will a new invention come about to touch every aspect of our lives. Such a device that changes the way we work, live, and play is a special one, indeed. A machine that has done all this and more now exists in nearly every business in the U.S. and one out of every two households (Hall, 156). This incredible invention is the computer. The electronic computer has been around for over a half-century, but its ancestors have been around for 2000 years.However, only in the last 40 years has it changed the American society.From the first wooden abacus to the latest high-speed microprocessor, the computer has changed nearly every aspect of people?s lives for the better.The very earliest existence of the modern day computer?s ancestor is the abacus. These date back to almost 2000 years ago. It is simply a wooden rack holding parallel wires on which beads are strung. When these beads are moved along the wire according to programming rules that the user must memorize, all ordinary arithmetic operations can be performed (Soma, 14). The next innovation in computers took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first ?digital calculating machine?. It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal?s father who was a tax collector (Soma, 32).In the early 1800?s, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage designed an automatic calculation machine. It was steam powered and could store up to 1000 50-digit numbers. Built in to his machine were operations that included everything a modern general-purpose computer would need. It was programmed byand stored data oncards with holes punched in them, appropriately called ?punchcards?. His inventions were failures for the most part because of the lack of precision machining techniques used at the time and the lack of demand for such a device (Soma, 46).After Babbage, people began to lose interest in computers. However, between 1850 and 1900 there were great advances in mathematics and physics that began to rekindle the interest (Osborne, 45). Many of these new advances involved complex calculations and formulas that were very time consuming for human calculation. The first major use for a computer in the U.S. was during the 1890 census. Two men, Herman Hollerith and James Powers, developed a new punched-card system that could automatically read information on cards without human intervention (Gulliver, 82). Since the population of the U.S. was increasing so fast, the computer was an essential tool in tabulating the totals.These advantages were noted by commercial industries and soon led to the development of improved punch-card business-machine systems by International Business Machines (IBM), Remington-Rand, Burroughs, and other corporations. By modern standards the punched-card machines were slow, typically processing from 50 to 250 cards per minute, with each card holding up to 80 digits. At the time, however, punched cards were an enormous step forward; they provided a means of input, output, and memory storage on a massive scale. For more than 50 years following their first use, punched-card machines did the bulk of the worlds business computing and a good portion of the computing work in science (Chposky, 73).By the late 1930s punched-card machine techniques had become so well established and reliable that Howard Hathaway Aiken, in collaboration with engineers at IBM, undertook construction of a large automatic digital computer based on standard IBM electromechanical parts. Aikens machine, called the Harvard Mark I, handled 23-digit numbers and could perform all four arithmetic operations. Also, it had special built-in programs to handle logarithms and trigonometric functions. The Mark I was controlled from prepunched paper tape.Output was by card punch and electric typewriter. It was slow, requiring 3 to 5 seconds for a multiplication, but it was fully automatic and could complete long computations without human intervention (Chposky, 103).The outbreak of World War II produced a desperate need for computing capability, especially for the military. New weapons systems were produced which needed trajectory tables and other essential data.In 1942, John P. Eckert, John W. Mauchley, and their associates at the University of Pennsylvania decided to build a high-speed electronic computer to do the job. This machine became known as ENIAC, for Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator. It could multiply two numbers at the rate of 300 products per second, by finding the value of each product from a multiplication table stored in its memory. ENIAC was thus about 1,000 times faster than the previous generation of computers (Dolotta, 47).ENIAC used 18,000 standard vacuum tubes, occupied 1800 square feet of floor space, and used about 180,000 watts of electricity. It used punched-card input and output. The ENIAC was very difficult to program because one had to essentially re-wire it to perform whatever task he wanted the computer to do. It was, however, efficient in handling the particular programs for which it had been designed. ENIAC is generally accepted as the first successful high-speed electronic digital computer and was used in many applications from 1946 to 1955 (Dolotta, 50). Mathematician John von Neumann was very interested in the ENIAC.In 1945 he undertook a theoretical study of computation that demonstrated that a computer could have a very simple and yet be able to execute any kind of computation effectively by means of proper programmed control without the need for any changes in hardware. Von Neumann came up with incredible ideas for methods of building and organizing practical, fast computers. These ideas, which came to be referred to as the stored-program technique, became fundamental for future generations of high-speed digital computers and were universally adopted (Hall, 73). An Analysis Of ' The Kite Runner ' Essay Then it became possible to build resistors and capacitors into the circuitry by photographic means (Rogers, 142). In the 1970s entire assemblies, such as adders, shifting registers, and counters, became available on tiny chips of silicon. In the 1980s very large scale integration (VLSI), in which hundreds of thousands of transistors are placed on a single chip, became increasingly common.Many companies, some new to the computer field, introduced in the 1970s programmable minicomputers supplied with software packages. The size-reduction trend continued with the introduction of personal computers, which are programmable machines small enough and inexpensive enough to be purchased and used by individuals (Rogers, 153).One of the first of such machines was introduced in January 1975. Popular Electronics magazine provided plans that would allow any electronics wizard to build his own small, programmable computer for about $380 (Rose, 32). The computer was called the ?Altair 8800?. Its programming involved pushing buttons and flipping switches on the front of the box. It didn?t include a monitor or keyboard, and its applications were very limited (Jacobs, 53). Even though, many orders came in for it and several famous owners of computer and software manufacturing companies got their start in computing through the Altair.For example, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, founders of Apple Computer, built a much cheaper, yet more productive version of the Altair and turned their hobby into a business (Fluegelman, 16). After the introduction of the Altair 8800, the personal computer industry became a fierce battleground of competition. IBM had been the computer industry standard for well over a half-century. They held their position as the standard when they introduced their first personal computer, the IBM Model 60 in 1975 (Chposky, 156). However, the newly formed Apple Computer company was releasing its own personal computer, the Apple II (The Apple I was the first computer designed by Jobs and Wozniak in Wozniak?s garage, which was not produced on a wide scale). Software was needed to run the computers as well. Microsoft developed a Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) for the IBM computer while Apple developed its own software system (Rose, 37). Because Microsoft had now set the software standard for IBMs, every software manufacturer had to make their software compatible with Microsoft?s. This would lead to huge profits for Microsoft (Cringley, 163). The main goal of the computer manufacturers was to make the computer as affordable as possible while increasing speed, reliability, and capacity. Nearly every computer manufacturer accomplished this and computers popped up everywhere. Computers were in businesses keeping track of inventories. Computers were in colleges aiding students in research. Computers were in laboratories making complex calculations at high speeds for scientists and physicists. The computer had made its mark everywhere in society and built up a huge industry (Cringley, 174).The future is promising for the computer industry and its technology. The speed of processors is expected to double every year and a half in the coming years. As manufacturing techniques are further perfected the prices of computer systems are expected to steadily fall.However, since the microprocessor technology will be increasing, it?s higher costs will offset the drop in price of older processors. In other words, the price of a new computer will stay about the same from year to year, but technology will steadily increase (Zachary, 42)Since the end of World War II, the computer industry has grown from a standing start into one of the biggest and most profitable industries in the United States. It now comprises thousands of companies, making everything from multi-million dollar high-speed supercomputers to printout paper and floppy disks. It employs millions of people and generates tens of billions of dollars in sales each year (Malone, 192). Surely, the computer has impacted every aspect of people?s lives. It has affected the way people work and play. It has made everyone?s life easier by doing difficult work for people. The computer truly is one of the most incredible inventions in history. Works Cited Chposky, James. Blue Magic. New York: Facts on File Publishing. 1988. Cringley, Robert X. Accidental Empires. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Publishing, 1992. Dolotta, T.A. Data Processing: 1940-1985. New York: John Wiley Sons, 1985. Fluegelman, Andrew. ?A New World?, MacWorld. San Jose, Ca: MacWorld Publishing, February, 1984 (Premire Issue). Hall, Peter. Silicon Landscapes. Boston: Allen Irwin, 1985 Gulliver, David. Silicon Valey and Beyond. Berkeley, Ca: Berkeley Area Government Press, 1981. Hazewindus, Nico. The U.S. Microelectronics Industry. New York: Pergamon Press, 1988. Jacobs, Christopher W. ?The Altair 8800?, Popular Electronics. New York: Popular Electronics Publishing, January 1975. Malone, Michael S. The Big Scare: The U.S. Coputer Industry. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Co., 1985. Osborne, Adam. Hypergrowth. Berkeley, Ca: Idthekkethan Publishing Company, 1984. Rogers, Everett M. Silicon Valey Fever. New York: Basic Books, Inc. Publishing, 1984. Rose, Frank. West of Eden. New York: Viking Publishing, 1989. Shallis, Michael. The Silicon Idol. New York: Shocken Books, 1984. Soma, John T. The History of the Computer. Toronto: Lexington Books, 1976. Zachary, William. ?The Future of Computing?, Byte. Boston: Byte Publishing, August 1994.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Cadburys Dairy Milk and Milk Tray adverts effective or patronizing Essay Example
Cadburys Dairy Milk and Milk Tray adverts: effective or patronizing Paper In this essay I shall be discussing two Cadburys adverts, the current (2007) Dairy Milk advert and the 1980s Milk Tray advert. I shall be looking at whether these adverts are effective or patronizing. The Cadburys Dairy Milk advert is about a drum playing gorilla playing to the Phil Collins song In the Air Tonight. The gorilla portrayed is a masculine figure we can see this by the strength portrayed in his muscles as he plays the drums. Cadburys chose the gorilla image for their advert because they felt it would leave people talking about the particular advert, thus extending their advertising market beyond viewers only. The advert is interesting and amusing thus luring people into watching the advert for longer amounts of time. Often viewers, after watching an advert a few times, will use advert breaks as an opportunity to go out and make a cup of tea to test the validity of this statement, notice how adverts are usually louder than the programme, this is so that the viewer is still influenced by the advert despite not being in the same room as the television. For very effective adverts, the viewer enjoys them so much that they not only tell their friends about them, but also look forward to the advert oming on and stay to watch them for their own sake rather than for what they are advertising. Some people might find this advert effective because of the entertaining way that the gorilla plays the drums and the way his emotional playing links with the words and music of the song. Would anyone find this advert patronizing and if so why? In order for an advert to be patronizing, it must be condescending so the question could be would anyone think the advert had little to do with the product (Dairy Milk chocolate) and treat the viewer as unintelligent, only to be entertained rather than informed. We will write a custom essay sample on Cadburys Dairy Milk and Milk Tray adverts: effective or patronizing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Cadburys Dairy Milk and Milk Tray adverts: effective or patronizing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Cadburys Dairy Milk and Milk Tray adverts: effective or patronizing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We need to consider therefore what the advert is advertising, and does it do so effectively, or does it assume the viewer is stupid and needs no information, but will respond in future to the sight of a gorilla or the Phil Collins song with a desire for Dairy Milk chocolate. Some people might find it patronizing compared to previous adverts which Cadbury have done. They may think that Cadburys is relating the advert to chocolate, and others would think about why Cadburys have chosen this advert to advertise for Dairy Milk. There is no doubt that this advert is successful as a talking point and all the different versions on You Tube prove its popularity as a type of cult advert. However, have sales gone up? To consider the image Cadburys is trying to relate to this product it is interesting to compare the advert to the highly successful 1980s Milk Tray advert which had a James Bond theme. This advert was effective as it suggested that if a person bought Dairy Milk or was given a box of Milk Tray, then they were worthy of a lot of effort on the part of the one who bought it for them. They were highly valued and loved. This is because in the advert, the man is proving the woman worth fighting for as he will go through any trials to get his chocolate delivered and all because the lady loves Milk Tray. There is repetition in this saying: because and loves sort of rhymes and repetition is a subtle way to get adverts stuck in our heads. People in the 2000s may think this advert is patronizing because it is sexist because it is a man not a woman doing all the dangerous tasks to get the Milk Tray for a woman who is receiving the chocolate. However, the gorilla advert suggests strong masculinity too but in a more subtle way. These two adverts link because of the way they are portrayed. The gorilla advert is an unusual advert and so is the Milk Tray advert. Both adverts try to urge you into buying the chocolate to impress whoever you are getting it for, as well as enjoying and talking about it afterwards. Technically, the camera shots change between each frame in both the Milk Tray and the Dairy Milk adverts. There are many camera shots, from low-angle to extreme close-up shots especially when the gorilla grunts at the camera for coming to close to him. Both techniques are there to create a feeling of excitement in the viewer. The man in the Milk Tray advert is portrayed as extremely brave as he keeps a straight face, showing no fear through all his escapades. In the gorilla advert it is we the viewers who are brave as we look the gorilla in the eye, without fear. There is little lighting used in the Dairy Milk advert which creates an intimate sensation, drawing the viewer into the action and emotion of the moment. There is just a background with the Cadbury image on the back and a plain light when the gorilla plays the drums, which keeps us focusing on the gorilla, with the name of the product in our minds eye. The Milk Tray uses lighting techniques to excite in the final frames as the man is underwater and bright light when he is jumping from the cliff and in the room. Both adverts use lighting effectively to create similar emotions in the viewer. It is clear that both the Dairy Milk and the Milk Tray adverts try to use a masculine figure, to target men to buy their products by linking the product to extreme masculinity. Women on the other hand, it is suggested, will feel special and well taken care of by a strong masculine figure if they buy or receive these products. We may wonder why Cadburys have decided to use a gorilla rather than a good looking male model/musician. Maybe they wanted to avoid an obvious sexist stereotyping; maybe they were conscious of the impact and popularity of the new King Kong movie and wished to use the same image of a big strong animal which will become loving and caring through love. Additionally, we need to consider the success and effectiveness of these adverts in two ways. Firstly from the point of view of sales figures (this shows the company how effective the advert was) and in terms of whether we remember the advert or the advert and the product. In terms of the advert for Milk Tray, sales figures soared and people remembered what the advert was for due to the repetitious slogan and all because the lady loves Milk Tray. The gorilla advert seems effective as the sales figures show, hat while before the advert went out, this product was the most popular of the Cadbury chocolates but the sales figures were going down, yet since the advert went out the sales have gone up by 8%. To conclude, if we are to decide whether the adverts are patronizing or not, it seems to me that some people will feel patronized while others will feel entertained. Overall, due to sales figures and internet hits, I would suggest that the adverts have both been effective but whether they are patronizing or not is a matter of personal opinion.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
monologophobia - definition and examples
monologophobia - definition and examples Definition: A fear of using a word more than once in a single sentence or paragraph. The term monologophobia was coined by New York Times editor Theodore M. Bernstein in The Careful Writer, 1965.See Examples and Observations, below. Also see: What Is Monologophobia?Elegant VariationThe Fear of Repetition in Writing: Beware the Elongated Yellow FruitPeriphrasis (Rhetoric)RepetitionSynonyms and Variety of Expression, by Walter Alexander RaleighSynonymyThesaurus Examples and Observations: It took about a dozen men and women to heave the huge, orange produce item onto the forklift.When the driver lowered the massive pumpkin, the last of the 118 entered in yesterdays annual All New England Weigh-Off kicking off the Topsfield Fair, the traditional Halloween ornament broke the scale. . . .(Pumpkin Pounds Topsfield Scale: Oversized Produce Weighs in As Big Hit With Visitors to Fair. The Boston Globe, October 1, 2000) Bernstein on MonologophobiaA monologophobe (you wont find it in the dictionary) is a writer who would rather walk naked in front of Saks Fifth Avenue than be caught using the same word more than once in three lines. What he suffers from is synonymomania (you wont find that one, either), which is a compulsion to call a spade successively a garden implement and an earth-turning tool. . . .Now avoidance of monotony caused by jarring repetition of a conspicuous word or phrase is desirable. A little touch of monologophobia might have helped the framer of this sente nce: The Khrushchev defeats, General Hoxha said, took place at the international Communist meetings that took place in Bucharest in June, 1960, and in Moscow in November, 1960. . . .But mechanical substitution of synonyms may make a bad situation worse. Elegant variation is the term applied by Fowler to this practice. It is particularly objectionable if the synonym is the one that falls strangely on the ear or eye: calling a snowfall a descent, calling gold the yellow metal, calling charcoal the ancient black substance. Repetition of the word is better than these strained synonyms. Often a pronoun is a good remedy, and sometimes no word at all is required.(Theodore M. Bernstein, The Careful Writer: A Modern Guide to English Usage. Scribner, 1965) [M]onologophobia strikes in many places. In court reports there is a bewildering alternation of the names of people with their status as defendant or plaintiff. It is better to stick to names throughout.(Harold Evans, Essential English. Pimlico, 2000) Verdict and Ruling[An] accident of style that writers often get into with verdict and ruling is switching blithely back and forth between them, as if the words were interchangeable. In a story about a British libel case where the judge ruled against a Holocaust-denying historian, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did this egregiously: International Jewish groups applauded the unsparing British court verdict against Irving. . . . The verdict shredded Irvings reputation. . . . Professor Dorothy Lipstadt of Emeroy University . . . hailed the ruling. . . . The ruling also was a victory for Penguin Books, her British publisher. . . . [Irving] said he had two words to describe the ruling. . . . Irving may appeal the verdict.In every instance in that story, verdict should have been ruling. But the reporter was no doubt suffering from a bad case of monologophobia, a fear of repeating the same word. . . .Instead of flip-flopping between the correct ruling and the incorrect verdict, the Chicago Tribune reporter should have assuaged his monologophobia by here and there tossing in the word decision, an unobjectionable substitute for ruling.(Charles Harrington Elster, The Accidents of Style: Good Advice on How Not to Write Badly. St. Martins Press, 2010) Also Known As: elegant variation, burly detective syndrome
Monday, February 24, 2020
Symbolic interactionism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Symbolic interactionism - Essay Example Our group known as the ‘The Saviour’ came up with the project of collecting clothes. Our strategy was to use all methods possible to collect many clothes to help the poor people in Senegal. To be effective in the meeting of our target, we divided the group into two. My team was given the task of placing donation boxes at various strategic points, giving out flyers to students in various colleges, and placing of posters to public notices. The posters had our contacts and activity. After two weeks of the activity the whole group came together to discuss on the progress. We all found out that the turnout was far below our expectations. According to symbolic interactionism theory, I expected my neighbors to appreciate my efforts to assist the poor through donations. However, that was not the case; the neighbors were seemingly getting a different symbolism from my efforts. I decided to meet with my team and discuss the way forward on how we could increase the awareness of our project in all our strategic places. We decided not to rule out possibility of miscommunication in our awareness efforts. As a team, we decided to purchase t-shirts printed with information regarding the project. At interval times, a person had to be at the strategic points we had placed the boxes and always carry with them a small mapping board with the group banner. Since our donation boxes were placed the bus terminal, the garden, school gates and the market place, the person was to talk to people around and create a good rapport about the group’s activity. In the next two weeks, we experienced a tremendous improvement in donations. This was perhaps possible because we were able to communicate our idea and convince people that we were a genuine group of youths dedicated to helping the poor in the developing countries. Language is an important concept of symbolic interaction. Therefore, we understood that different people perceive ideas differently. Our target was to colle ct several cargo tanks of clothes. We decided that each one of us would go from house to house in our respective neighborhood during our free time and weekends to distribute the remaining fliers. I visited most of the families in my neighborhood during weekends for a month. The response was encouraging because most neighbors embraced the idea and were happy about our project. Most of them gave out dozens of clothes and even promised tell others. Their appreciation and promises of cooperation was in accordance with the theory of symbolism interactionism. Thoughts are a concept of symbolic interactionism. Thought modifies the way a person perceives and understands a symbolism. We found out that placing the posters would not yield much as expected probably because people had gotten used to posters being used by scam artists. We decided to come up with alternative workable ideas of using posters. We placed the posters in each class notice board. We also visited some of the offices to al low us use their company’s staff notice board for a while. At first, most of the companies were afraid and thought we were a fake group but after we explained and defended our purpose, some of the companies permitted us. At the end of two weeks, we followed up and got a positive response from the employees, we collected several bunches of clothes from most companies. When the whole group met, we found out that our new strategy worked out very well. We shared the strategies we had used with the other team and the
Friday, February 7, 2020
Law enforcement and counter-terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Law enforcement and counter-terrorism - Essay Example Knowing what terrorists' aims and objectives will enable Americans to be prepared of possible future targets of terror especially in New York City. By using various research already done on the nature of terrorism and their targets, this paper intends to examine probable future targets of terrorism in New York City. This paper will first investigate why the terrorist attacked the WTC, why they like to attack New York City, Their aims and objectives, and possible next targets. It all started with an explosion that occurred on Friday, February 26, 1993 which devastated the public parking area of the World Trade Center located in New York City. The resulting blast killed 6 persons and dealt injury to not more than 1,000 others. This was considered by the N.Y.P.D. as one of the biggest crime scene they have ever encountered and the estimated damage was estimated at over half a billion dollars. Law enforcement agencies in and out of New York dubbed this as "the case of the century". This put N.Y. City in a grip of fear and panics ("The World Trade Center Bombing", 2006). This incident sparked a brand new trend in terrorism, one that involves the random and haphazard killing of civilians Dwyer et al, 1994; Myroie, 1996). 1, 042 people were reported to be injured in a more accurate account, and crime analysis has speculated that the terrorists aimed to kill more than 6 people at that time. It is also believed that the terrorist encountered several complications in the execution of the plan, and the damage could have been much worse if the circumstances were right (Parachini, 1993).The terror did not stop from that incident. History repeated itself on September 11, 2003 (now referred to as "9/11") when 2 large passenger aircraft were hi-jacked and collided with the Twin Towers again located in New York. The collision resulted in a massive fire and heavy collateral damage to the Twin Towers and other structures in the surroundings. Four of the nearby buildings in the WTC compound suffered irreparable damage and were eventually demolished. The next 8 and half months were spent on 24-hour cleanup involving thousands of voluntary workers. The effects of 9/11 is still being felt up to today, as a matter of fact as of 2005 a total of 2,749 death certificates related to 9/11 had been filed. The following statistics showed the grim and horrible results of 9/11: There were 13 survivors of 9/11, but they eventually succumbed to their injuries. The o ther attacks made on the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania resulted in 3 more deaths in different States, one death each for Massachusetts, Missouri, and New Jersey. A total of 2, 749 people died due to 9/11, 77% were males (2,117) and 23% were females (632). Around 1,588 (58% of the casualties) of corpses examined were identified based on dental records, jewelry and other identification methods. The average age for the victims is 39 years old based on data that the average age was 38 years for females (range: 2-81 years) and 39 years for males (range: 3-85 years). Three victims were under the age of 5 while 3 others were over the age of 80 years old ("World Trade Center", 2006). This goes to show that terrorist will go to any length to sow terror in men's heart.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
7 Days of Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory Essay Example for Free
7 Days of Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory Essay PREPARATORY PRAYER My Jesus, by the sorrows You suffered in Your agony in the Garden, in Your scourging and crowning with thorns, in Your journey to Calvary, in Your crucifixion and death, have mercy on the souls in purgatory, and especially on those that are most forsaken; deliver them from the torments they endure; call them and admit them to Your most sweet embrace in paradise, where You live with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen See more: Homeless satire essay Prayers from The Raccolta (Here say the prayer for the day) 0ur Father Our Father in Heaven, Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women; and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Eternal Rest Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Concluding Prayer Merciful Father, hear our prayers and console us. As we renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead, strengthen our hope that all our departed brothers and sisters will share in His resurrection, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. SUNDAY O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech You by the Precious Blood, which Your divine Son Jesus shed in the Garden, deliver the souls in purgatory, and especially that one which is the most forsaken of all, and bring it into Your glory, where it may praise and bless You forever. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Eternal rest, etc. MONDAY O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech You by the Precious Blood, which Your divine Son Jesus shed in His cruel scourging, deliver the souls in purgatory, and among them all, especially that soul which is nearest to its entrance into Your glory, that it may soon begin to praise You and bless You forever. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Eternal rest, etc. TUESDAY O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech You by the Precious Blood of Your divine Son Jesus that was shed in His bitter crowning with thorns, deliver the souls in purgatory, and among them all, particularly that soul which is in the greatest need of our prayers, in order that it may not long be delayed in praising You in Your glory and blessing You forever. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Eternal rest, etc. WEDNESDAY O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech You by the Precious Blood of Your divine Son Jesus that was shed in the streets of Jerusalem while He carried on His sacred shoulders the heavy burden of the Cross, deliver the souls in purgatory and especially that one which is richest in merits in Your sight, so that, having soon attained the high place in glory to which it is destined, it may praise You triumphantly and bless You forever. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Eternal rest, etc. THURSDAY O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech You by the Precious Body and Blood of Your divine Son Jesus, which He Himself on the night before His Passion gave as meat and drink to His beloved Apostles and bequeathed to His Holy Church to be the perpetual Sacrifice and life-giving nourishment of His faithful people, deliver the souls in purgatory, but most of all, that soul which was most devoted to this Mystery of infinite love, in order that it may praise You therefore, together with Your divine Son and the Holy Spirit in Your glory forever. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Eternal rest, etc. FRIDAY O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech You by the Precious Blood which Jesus Your divine Son did shed this day upon the tree of the Cross, especially from His sacred Hands and Feet, deliver the souls in purgatory, and particularly that soul for whom I am most bound to pray, in order that I may not be the cause which hinders You from admitting it quickly to the possession of Your glory where it may praise You and bless You for evermore. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Eternal rest, etc. SATURDAY O Lord God omnipotent, I beseech You by the Precious Blood which gushed forth from the sacred Side of Your divine Son Jesus in the presence and to the great sorrow of His most holy Mother, deliver the souls in purgatory and among them all especially that soul which has been most devout to this noble Lady, that it may come quickly into Your glory, there to praise You in her, and her in You through all the ages. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Eternal rest, etc.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Hawaiian Sovereignty Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Hawaii Essays
Hawaiian Sovereignty           â€Å"If all of this seems long ago and far away, it is worth remembering that the past is never past.†(Faulkner cited in Ellison, P.274)      Many different groups today are seeking the sovereignty of Hawaii. The reason being that these mostly Native Hawaiian groups feel that they suffered a severe injustice when they were annexed into the United States against their own free will. They feel that since they were treated like objects rather than human beings with rights and emotions, they now deserve reparations. The intentions of the different groups vary. Some only want reparations in the form of money and acknowledgements of the inhuman acts that were committed against them and others want it in the form of independence for the island. However, restoring sovereignty to Hawaii would cause great injustices toward the non-natives living on the island today. So these groups should not be granted the sovereignty they are seeking.      â€Å"When we have pleaded for understanding our character has been distorted, when we have asked for simple caring, we have been handed empty inspirational appellations, then stuck in the farthest corner.†(Walker, p. 698). When the United States managed to annex Hawaii in 1898, they did break the law and the human code of conduct. A joint resolution of Congress produced the annexation rather than a two-thirds majority vote, which is required under the United States Constitution. (MacKenzie, p.24) Also, the Native Hawaiians were vastly opposed to the annexation because it violated a treaty the U.S. had with Hawaii stating that they would not interfere with Hawaii’s right to self-government. (Castanha, p.2) So when the U.S. held a vote on whether or not Hawaii should become a state, many Hawaiians did not vote because their only choices were statehood or staying a territory of the U.S. and they did not want either of these. Many people today question the validity of the statehood because of the legal violations of long ago. Also, as human beings there is a naturally agreed upon law that we share with one another and that is to treat people with respect and dignity. The U.S. did not do this when they disregarded the treaty and the law to annex Hawaii. These are the reasons that Native Hawaiians are presently seeking reparations.      Prior to 1778, about 600,000 people, mostly all Native Hawaiia... ...om this injustice committed against human beings. Works Cited Castanha, Anthony. (1996, August). â€Å"A History of the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement.†     The Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement: Roles and Impacts on Non-Hawaiians,      Chapter 3. [10/14/00] Ellison, Ralph. (1986). â€Å"An Extravagance of Laughter.†Ways of Reading. Boston:      Bedford/St. Martin’s, p.274. â€Å"Human Rights.†The World Book Encyclopedia, 1997 ed, p.678. Inouye, Dan. (2000, September 14). â€Å"U.S. Relationship with Native Hawaiians.†FDCH      Congressional Testimony. Online source: Academic Search Elite. [10/25/00] Jaffrey, Zia. (1998, February). â€Å"Truth and Reconciliation Commission Interview.†     Progressive, Vol. 62 Issue 11, p.18. Jovik, Sonia P. and James O. Jovik. (1997). â€Å"History.†Atlas of Hawaii. Honolulu:      University of Hawaii Press, p.408. MacKenzie, Melody Kapilialoha. (1991). Native Hawaiian Rights Handbook. Honolulu:      Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation/ Office of Hawaiian Affairs, p. 24. Walker, Alice. (1974). â€Å"In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens.†Ways of Reading. Boston:      Bedford/St. Martin’s, pp. 694-701.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Case Study UMUC Haircuts Essay
Myra Morningstar is the owner of the small business, UMUC Haircuts. It is a small shop in the college campus area and Myra is looking to expand her business to meet the needs of customers. In order for her to be successful in her new adventure she will need to consider the needs of her customers, use of technology, and competition with the new local competitor. Barriers to entry in the Hair Care industry are very minimal. When it comes to barbershops and salons, there are a few already in the area with a couple more potentials. High customer volume creates much competition in the market. The only barrier to entry is licensing. Barbershops and salons must have a business license along with a few permits (Barbershop Business Guide, 2014). The fixed costs are minimal and no special products are needed. Loyalty to barbers and hair stylists is moderate and incentives to use a particular provider are almost non-existent. The market is close to saturated and this particular area will soon become highly competitive. Threats of substitutes for UMUC Haircuts are moderate to low. Women are typically very particular about their hair style and cosmetics. These are items that can create repeat customers; once you accommodate a customer, they’ll be coming back again and again. With the young and low income college students, this may vary slightly more but fashion is always going to be important to most women. Men like convenience and normality so same as women, accommodate them and they’ll come back. Buyers don’t have much bargaining power in the hair care industry because there are so many of them. Almost every person gets their hair cut and usually several times a year. Thus there is a large market of clients for salons and shops. Customers can range from two years old to ninety years old. Even though the costs of switching to a different salon are very low, people are creatures of habi t and will normally stick with one salon or barbershop. Most people who cut their hair regularly and pay for high service will have developed a loyalty to their stylist. Buyers have most, if not all, of the power in this market so it’s important for shops and salons to differentiate and stand out. Suppliers in this market have a low bargaining power. Barbershops and salons are going to be the ones pushing and promoting their products. Shops and salons are free to choose which brands they carry. It is the suppliers’ responsibility to convince the salon to carry their brand, either through discounts, sales, promotions, or other things that benefit the salon. There are enough different brands of hair care products for the supplier power to have relatively low bargaining power. With Hair Cuttery about to set up shop and the few others that are already open for business, it is very hard to gain substantial market power in this industry. There will probably never be a monopoly in the hair industry. The competition amongst salon s and barbershops is moderate to high. Not one company dominates the industry. Besides the spa across the street, most are comparable in prices. The biggest competition will probably be the Hair Cuttery with it being so close and them offering hair care to both men and women. UMUC Haircuts will use operational effectiveness to improve the manner in which internal business processes are executed. Operational effectiveness will help boast the number of customers almost instantly. This will ensure no chairs are empty for any large amount of time and will also cut down the wait time of walk-in customers. Operational effectiveness will decrease Buyer power because there will now be open chairs for walk-ins or a maximum wait time of 15 minutes coming to UMUC Haircuts. Customers that choose to return will be remembered by staff and their past visits will be logged which, will make the customer feel important. Supplier Power will remain the same as before, with the amount of hair care products available. UMUC haircuts will have the power to choose where to buy their supplies from, whether they choose to buy in bulk for a better price or go with top of the line products that will be more affordable to UMUC due to the increase in sales and customers. The threat of substitute products will be low because the customers will be getting what they want from UMUC. Customers usually look to substitute products when there is a price increase on their normal product, their product is no longer available or they have to wait for what they want. Consumers like instant gratification and that is what UMUC will offer their customers. The threat of new entrants is high and will continue to increase. Improving operational effectiveness won’t stop new salons and shops from popping up but it will help with keeping the customers loyal. If they like the way the business is being run and that they are being put first then they won’t run at first signs of a new shop or salon in town. Rivalry will always be high in this industry due to the amount of salons and shops and how easy it is to enter into hair care. Innovation and always putting the customer first/customer service are a couple things to help stay ahead of competition. UMUC Haircuts will need to continue to stay ahead of the times with updated technology. UMUC has a few daily processes that need to be improved upon. The daily process that UMUC will tackle is the customer information not being logged effectively and efficiently. By adding a computer to organize and store this type of information, it will help UMUC Haircuts a great deal especially with customer service. Remembering customer’s names can go a long way especially if they staff is able to view their information before an appointment and greet them with a hello and a summary of their last visit. STRATEGY FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: With the use of technology and adding computers, UMUC Haircuts can achieve Operational Effectiveness PROCESS TO BE IMPROVED: Tracking customer information through a computer program to achieve greater customer service. REFERENCES Barber Shop & Salon Business Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2014. Website. http://business.baltimorecity.gov/BusinessGuides/BarberShopSalon.aspx Porter’s Five Forces in the Hairdressing Industry (in details). (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2014. Website. http://www.hairbrained.me/profiles/blogs/porters-five-forces-in-the
Sunday, January 5, 2020
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